Source code for wdp.format

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
import re
from wdp.models import Word
from jinja2 import Template

# TODO: add IPA handling e.g. {{IPA|en|foo|bar}}
from wdp.validate import validate_word


{% for word in words %}
    {% if words|length > 1 %}
        {{ section(2, "Etymology " ~ loop.index) }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if word['alternative_forms'] %}
        {{ section(3, "Alternative forms") }}
        {% for form in word['alternative_forms'] %}
            * {{LL}}alter|{{lang_code}}|{{form.alternative_form}}||{{form.description_of_use}}{{RR}}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['description'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Description") }}
      {{ word['description'] }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['etymology'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Etymology") }}
      {{ word['etymology'] }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if word['pronunciations'] %}
        {{ section(3, "Pronunciation") }}
        {% for pronunciation in word['pronunciations'] %}
            {% if pronunciation.notation|lower == "ipa" %}
                * {% if pronunciation.accent %}{{LL}}a|{{pronunciation.accent}}{{RR}} {% endif %}{{LL}}IPA|{{lang_code}}|{{pronunciation.pronunciation}}{{RR}}
            {% else %}
                * {% if pronunciation.accent %}{{LL}}a|{{pronunciation.accent}}{{RR}} {% endif %}{{pronunciation.pronunciation}}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for pos in word["grouped_definitions"] %}
        {{ section(3, pos.capitalize()) }}
        {% for definition in word["grouped_definitions"][pos] %} 
            # {{definition.definition}}
            {% for usage_example in definition.usage_examples %}
            #: {{LL}}uxi|{{lang_code}}|{{usage_example.text}}|{{usage_example.translation}}{{RR}}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if word['usage_notes'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Usage notes") }}
      {{ word['usage_notes'] }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['conjugation'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Conjugation") }}
      {{ word['conjugation'] }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['declension'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Declension") }}
      {{ word['declension'] }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['inflection'] %}
      {{ section(3, "Inflection") }}
      {{ word['inflection'] }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if word['references'] %}
      {{ section(3, "References") }}
      {{ word['references'] }}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

[docs]def group_definitions_by_pos(context: dict): """ Return a dict mapping from part of speech to a list of all the definitions with that part of speech. """ definitions = context["definitions"] parts_of_speech = set(definition["part_of_speech"] for definition in definitions) return {pos.lower(): [d for d in definitions if d["part_of_speech"] == pos] for pos in parts_of_speech}
[docs]def format_entry(word_group: List[Word], lang_code: str, lang_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Turn a list of Word objects into Wikitext. """ # the dict we will use to render the jinja template context: Dict[str, Any] = dict( lang_code=lang_code, lang_name=lang_name, words=[], ) # iterate over Word objects for word in word_group: word_context = word.to_dict() # a Word will in general have many definitions with different parts of speech--separate them word_context["grouped_definitions"] = group_definitions_by_pos(word_context) context["words"].append(word_context) def section(depth, content): """ Formats string according to whether there is more than one word group or not. Args: depth: the level the section has in an entry with a single etymology content: a string to be displayed in a header Returns: Formatted section header """ c = len(word_group) > 1 s = "=" * (depth + c) return s + content + s output = ENTRY_TEMPLATE.render(section=section, LL="{{", RR="}}", **context) # undo formatting that made the jinja template easier to read output = "\n".join(re.sub(r"^ +", "", line) for line in output.split("\n")) output = re.sub(r"\n\n+#", "\n#", output) output = re.sub(r"=\n+=", "=\n=", output) output = re.sub(r"\n\n+", "\n\n", output) output = re.sub(r"===\n\n", "===\n", output) output = re.sub(r"=\n=", "=\n\n=", output) # tyography: an empty section should have extra newline output = re.sub(r"({{head\|[^\n]*})\n#", r"\1\n\n#", output) # headword template should have extra newline after return word_group[0].word_form, output
[docs]def group_words(words: List[Word]) -> List[List[Word]]: """ Group words based on their word_form attribute """ word_forms = set(w.word_form for w in words) return [[w for w in words if w.word_form == word_form] for word_form in word_forms]
[docs]def format_entries(words: List[Word], lang_code: str, lang_name: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: for word in words: validate_word(word) grouped_words = group_words(words) formatted_entries = [format_entry(word_group, lang_code, lang_name) for word_group in grouped_words] return formatted_entries